Clinical Supervision

SUPERVISION – Joe Busuttil has over 15 years experience in the Mental Health Sector as a Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
As a Clinical Supervisor, education, mentoring and clinical support & feedback is the main priority.
Clinical Professional Association Memberships – (AHA, GoAH, ACA)

As a supervisor my primary responsibility is to guarantee that  my supervisees receive competent therapeutic therapy feedback for their clients.. As their supervisor I work to ensure that the supervisee maintains psychological health by ensuring that they continue to enhance their professional practice in all areas.

Clinical supervision is a structured process of professional assistance and learning that allows individual practitioners to gain knowledge and competence, and it is recognised as a life-long practice.

As a clinical supervisor, I set high ethical, legal, and moral standards and act as a role model for my supervisees. One part of the work is to help integrate solutions to prevalent therapeutic, legal, and ethical concerns into clinical practice.

“As your supervisor I can also offer insight into your unique style as well as advice on how to improve your skills and adjust your style to the diverse needs of different supervisees” .

A trainee practitioner meets with an experienced provider for clinical supervision to discuss cases, treatment approaches, and other important topics. Working with troubled people on a regular basis can be exhausting, therefore clinical supervision often includes training therapists how to compartmentalise their own emotions and practice better self-care.

The word “supervision” means “a long-term social influence process in which the supervisor works with supervisees to assure clinical care quality.”Supervisors that can effectively observe, mentor, coach, evaluate, motivate, and foster an environment that promotes self-motivation, learning, and professional development are effective.

Supervisor input gives substantial opportunities for professional development and advancement, which are not always available when working independently.

As supervisees’ experience grows, I adapt the format and content of supervision meetings to ensure effectiveness and relevance. Assessing supervisees’ strengths and weaknesses, discussing issues, answering questions, and establishing new or adjusted learning goals.

I provide online and face-to-face / one-on-one supervision. Unfortunately, I do not currently run group sessions.

Hypnosis is a common practice in psychotherapy, allowing individuals to explore previously suppressed emotions and experiences. Furthermore, hypnosis causes people to see things differently, such as decreasing pain awareness.

The hypnotic state enhances an individual’s ability to respond to recommendations. As a result, hypnotherapy can help some people change certain behaviours, such stopping smoking or gnawing their nails. It can also help to change people’s views and experiences, which is very effective in the management of pain.

This therapy use a relaxed state to study a possible psychological root cause of a disorder or symptom, such as a traumatic past event buried in a person’s unconscious memory. Once the trauma is discovered, it can be addressed through psychotherapy.


I have always had a deep internal ease when it comes to talking to people. I feel very blessed that this ease turned into my career.

I am passionate about my volunteer work within MEN’S mental health support. I facilitate social media platforms supplying resources and education to men globally.

I host podcasts, aiming to educate and help those seeking to connect with the Mental Health sector.

I also enjoy spending time with family and friends, travelling, and getting out in nature. I seriously love watching a good movie and chilling out.

Rate: $120  (one hour session)

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