How I found ultimate Purpose and Self-Acceptance.

Finding Purpose and Self-Acceptance
Joe Busuttil

This is an exploration of self-acceptance and development, beginning with “Rock Bottom” and ending with “Purpose.”

My life took a drastic turn in 2008. I was left feeling disoriented and without hope as a result of the loss of my work, the breakdown of a relationship, and a rush of worry and depression. Over time, thoughts of suicide became a constant companion of mine. Every day felt like a struggle to survive, and I was unsure of how to cope with the suffering I was going through.

Discovering the motivation to seek purpose

Making a full recovery from something was not so easy. A conscious decision was required in order to make an investment in myself and to visit a therapist. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Treatment included hypnotherapy, counselling, and meditation. When I look back on it, I realise that it was the most life-changing experience I’ve ever had, despite the fact that it was uncomfortable at times. That dark time turned out to be the incentive for a whole career change, despite the fact that it was dreadful. At that point in my life, the primary motivation that drove me was the desire to assist other people in overcoming their challenges like I had faced mine in the past.

Self-acceptance provides the authority for your purpose.

My own perception is a significant factor in determining how I see the world. The way in which we interpret the events and, consequently, how we feel about them is all up to us. Self-blame is a path that leads nowhere, while self-acceptance is the path that leads us to our purpose.

With the support of this shift in perspective, I was able to establish my new business, “Equator Therapies,” with the objective of bringing attention to issues pertaining to mental health and the vulnerability of others. I also worked on special projects targeting “Men’s Mental Health” and “Self-acceptance using meditation and mindfulness.” The motivation behind these projects comes from my own personal struggles, and now they allow me to assist and guide others to heal themselves.

Continuum of purpose and self-acceptance.

One never stops learning new things in life. Negative thoughts serve as a warning to take action when they threaten to paralyse us. Getting professional assistance at my darkest times—seeing a counsellor regularly—changed my life. Helping me seek my purpose and have self-acceptance within. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and meditation daily as forms of self-care offered me tools to enable me to better manage difficult emotions.

Everyone experiences a wide spectrum of feelings, including both positive and negative ones. The suppression of negative feelings only serves to heighten the intensity of those feelings. Instead, I encourage you to have compassion for yourself and allow yourself to experience everything. We are all being invited to become better versions of ourselves.

Imagine that you are at a party and that you are experiencing all of your feelings. In the face of your anxiety or sadness, would you try to calm down? On the other hand, would you be willing to embrace them and allow yourself to enjoy the company of the positive components helping you feel accepted? The negativity will lose its power if you make the conscious decision to focus on the qualities of yourself that are beneficial to you.

Making Your Life a purpose

Having a clear vision is like being at the beginning of the life you want to live. Imagine your ideal existence and how it would look. The practice of self-acceptance is not a destination but rather a process. Failures are unavoidable; yet, if you have the determination and patience to persevere, you may reassemble the life that you desire. Every single part of us is trying to teach us something.

I am grateful for the scars.

When I think about the pain I experienced back then, I am filled with gratitude (this may sound strange, but it is true!). In addition to assisting me in defining the person I am today, it made it possible for me to live a life that is rich in meaning and satisfaction. I wouldn’t be writing this if I hadn’t gone through that pain.

Maintain confidence in yourself. Connect with your purpose and have self-acceptance in everything you do in your life. You possess the capacity to not only heal but also transform.

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